Let God Arise!

Let God Arise! A Sober Call to Prevailing Prayer for a Dynamic Spiritual Awakening and the Aggressive Advancement of the Kingdom in America’s Inner Cities

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis January 1, 2000

What a long title for a short essay! This is my tribute to the wonderful piece penned by the churchman and intellectual Jonathan Edwards, leader in the Awakenings in the northeast in the 18th century regarding the need for intercession to spawn new movements for God. His original title was long as well: “A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God’s People, in Extraordinary Prayer, for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth.” Edwards wrote his little tract in 1746 after experiencing two remarkable movements of the Spirit of God, in 1734-35 and 1740-42 respectively.


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