Let God Arise!
can touch and transform the inhabitants of the city! We stand ever ready and hopeful that God will visit his people in the city, and that through outpourings of his Spirit we can see explosive movements of spiritual awakening and cross-cultural disciple making among the urban poor. These movements will not occur due to human ingenuity and effort, but through times of refreshing that come from the Lord (Acts 3.19). We are convinced that only a breakthrough of God’s divine power in remarkable ways and levels will suffice for the winning of America’s inner cities. Only God visiting his people through the presence and power of his Holy Spirit will guarantee a new and fruitful kind of effective urban outreach that can result in the changing of thousands of lives through Christ’s power. As believers and fellow soldiers in kingdom witness, we call for believers everywhere touched by the need of America’s inner cities to join us in the Let God Arise! movement. We call all who love those who dwell in the city to a new way of living – under the supreme lordship of Jesus Christ. We call all who love the Church in the city to a new way of seeking God – with fervency and passion, who will cry out both day and night to the Lord. Filled with a spirit of longing and humility, we must earnestly seek the Lord’s face in intercession, and do so strategically, in an organized and effective manner.
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