Let God Arise!
To begin with, we start our prayer sessions therefore with worship of the Lord, the Adoration phase of our prayer concerts. All of our Let God Arise! gatherings encourage those present to begin their concert and session of prevailing prayer with a time of adoration and praise, with singing and exaltation, where they delight and enjoy the Lord with clapping, shouts of joy, and heartfelt praise. We must thank God for his gracious work for us in Christ, and be grateful for the opportunity to come before his presence through the blood of Christ. Above all else (all needs, petitions, and desires), our God is worthy in himself to be worshiped and adored! Next, we move to the Admission portion of our prayer time. After acknowledging the glory and majesty of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, we then spend ample time admitting our faults and neediness before his mighty hand. Let us learn to bow before the Lord in humble confession of our sin, and the admission that we are powerless, helpless, and defenseless without his over- sight, provision, and grace. Let us not hide our sin but readily confess it. Let us not protest our innocence nor boast in our spiritual accomplishment (Luke 18.9-14), but honestly humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord in order that he might lift us up (1 Pet. 5.6). God does in fact resist those who are proud (i.e., those pretending
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