Let God Arise!
in and of itself. The modern megapolis represents the bastion of injustice, ungodliness, and immorality. Truly, it is not possible to think of America without its greatest and most influential cities – New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Miami, San Francisco, Boston, Portland, Atlanta, Denver, St. Louis, Dallas, Seattle, San Antonio, and on and on and on. These great centers represent the highest in culture, education, art, medicine, law, jurisprudence, government, politics, business, commerce, industry, entertainment, and power. Yet they also represent some of the most desperate places on earth; our cities bulge with teeming millions whose lives are filled with empty pleasures, great injustices, and horrible experiences. Undoubtedly, the levels of darkness, poverty, and discouragement in America’s inner cities are at an all- time high. Tragically, many evangelical congregations and Christian denominations have abandoned the city, escaping to calmer winds in the suburbs, taking along with them their Bible Colleges, seminaries, Christian publishing houses, and para-church organizations. Believers have left the cities in record numbers, and abandoned those who do not know Christ to their own devices and oppression.
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