Let God Arise!



countries, some have struggled with cancers, others have married, while others continue to serve the Lord in inner city ministries. Our ministry has grown exponen- tially (we believe in no small part due to the Lord’s faithful answering of our persistent, fervent prayers for his victory to be made known in the heart of inner cities and prisons across the nation and world). Yes, the landscape of our lives has drastically altered since that early morning writing frenzy inspired by my own deep conviction that the cities of the world could not be won without an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the people of God in the city. And this is the sense in which very little, virtually nothing significant, has really changed at all. We are still as helpless today as when we started our initial prayer concerts. We still need to be broken, to be made aware of our own powerlessness before God. Our tendency toward self-will and self- dependence continues to plague our lives, and, despite God’s generous supply granted to us in our ministries and lives, we have continued to take credit for the work that the Father has accomplished for us in the name of his Son. The cities are just as dangerous and dark as ever, and the devil continues to viciously ravage the lives of the poor and the dying within them, across America and around the world. Nothing has changed.

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