Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

Summary Every captain keeps a logbook for the duration of the voyage. This daily record may include distance traveled, weather conditions, crew morale, or stops at any ports. This information is essential to have in the event of a disaster. The summary is designed to in a few, brief statements provide you with the meaning of the main points of the chapter’s content. Case Studies Case Studies give students a chance to look out, as though through a porthole, on a new situation and decide what to do in light of what they have learned in the chapter. Case studies will challenge you to probe the implications of the chapter in real-life contexts. Insights Each chapter will list a few guiding principles: main ideas you should hold on to. These truths are akin to the life-buoys that can keep you afloat during times of troubled seas! Connection The connection section encourages students to examine the implications of what they have just learned and begin to apply these things in their lives. Link the truths of the Word of God to the specific situations you face, connecting them to the challenges and opportunities you face. Conclusion At the end of a chapter, as in a voyage, we drop anchor and bring everything to a close. This represents the “last word” of the chapter – the message we should take away from our discussion, meditation, and study. Looking Ahead Every sailor who loves the sea looks forward to the next leg of the voyage. This section provides a brief look ahead to the next phase of our learning.

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