Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

why not? With whom in your church can you share your goals and burden for spiritual maturity and receive counsel and help for your next steps? • Answer the following: “If there were only a single thing I could do to get myself better on the path to spiritual maturity today, I think it would be . . .” Conclusion God desires every one of his newborn children to grow to full maturity in Christ. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are born from above, as newborn babes in Christ, and God grants us the Holy Spirit and places us in his family in order that we may grow to spiritual adulthood. The goal is to become like Christ, to be built up (edified) and to reproduce (i.e., become fruitful), to his glory. As we rely on the Spirit’s power and discipline ourselves for godliness in the church, God will cause us to grow from spiritual infants to spiritual adults, able to provide spiritual parenting to others in the body. Looking Ahead Our prayer for you is that day by day you may through his Holy Spirit and the Word of God be enriched in all spiritual knowledge. We pray that you may be grounded in the foundation of our faith (Series 1), and come to see the big picture of his will over the entire Story of Scripture (Series 2). As you do we are confident that you will come to better comprehend the picture of Christ in the Scriptures (Series 3), and then evermore grow in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ to full maturity (Series 4).

May the Lord grant you the grace to master the Bible, and so live as a mature disciple of Jesus Christ, to God’s glory!

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