Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

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Old Testament Names, Titles, and Epithets for the Messiah, continued

38. Man of Sorrows, Isa. 53.3 39. Mediator, Job 33.23 40. Messenger of the Covenant, Mal. 3.1 41. Messiah-Prince, Dan. 9.25

42. Mighty God, Isa. 9.6 43. Mighty Hero, Ps. 45.3 44. My Equal, Zech. 13.7 45. Nail (peg), Zech. 10.4 46. Our Peace, Mic. 5.5

47. Parable Teller, Ps. 78.1-2 48. Pierced One, Zech. 12.10 49. Poor and Afflicted, Ps. 69.29 50. Priestly Ruler, Jer. 30.21; Zech. 6.13

51. Prince, Ezek. 37.25; 44-48 52. Prince of Peace, Isa. 9.6 53. Proclaimer of Good Tidings to the Poor, Isa. 61.2

54. Prophet like Moses, Deut. 18.15,18 55. Redeemer, Job 19.25; Isa. 59.20

56. Refiner, Mal. 3.2 57. Refuge, Isa. 32.1

58. Rejected Shepherd, Zech. 11 59. Rejected Stone, Ps. 118.22 60. Righteous Shoot, Jer. 23.5; 33.15 61. Root out of Dry Ground, Isa. 53.2 62. Ruler of all Nature, Ps. 8.5-8 63. Ruler of the Earth, Isa. 16.5 64. Scepter, Num. 24.17 65. Second Moses, Hos. 11.1 66. Seed of Abraham, Gen. 12.3; 18.18 67. Seed of David, 2 Sam. 2.12 68. Seed of the Woman, Gen. 3.15 69. Servant, Isa. 42.1; 49.3, 6 70. Shade, Isa. 32.2 71. Shelter, Isa. 32.1 72. Shepherd, Ezek. 34.23; 37.24 73. Shiloh, Gen. 49.10 74. Shoot, Zech. 3.8; 6.12 75. Shoot from the Stump of Jesse, Isa. 11.1

76. Shoot of Yahweh, Isa. 4.2 77. Sign and Wonder, Isa. 8.18

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