Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

His teachings. They saw Him live the life He taught. Then, after His ascension, the disciples entrusted the words of Christ to others and encouraged them to adopt His life-style and obey His teaching. A disciple is a student who memorizes the words, actions and lifestyle of his teacher in preparation to teach others.

~ Dr. Keith Phillips. The Making of a Disciple . Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1981. p. 15.

A. He represented the will of God, and kept and taught the Law among the people of God.

1. Leadership for Rabbi Jesus meant representing his Father; it was speaking on behalf of and in sync with the wishes and will of his Father, Luke 10.16.

2. Christ the Rabbi simply taught God’s plan through the Scriptures, and represented the Father’s will and interests in all he said and did.

a. To believe in him is to believe in the Father who sent him, John 12.44.

b. To reject Christ is to reject the Father, John 12.48.

c. To receive the one he sent is to receive Christ himself, and to receive Christ is to receive the Father, John 13.20.

3. “Since all knowledge of the law was strictly traditional, a pupil had only two duties: one was to commit everything faithfully to memory, and the other was never to teach anything otherwise than that which had been delivered to him. The rabbis had a saying that the ideal pupil was like a limed (that is, a concrete) cistern, which never loses a drop of water that is put into it. The obligation of the pupil to reproduce to the next generation exactly

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