Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
Appendix 21 Messianic Prophecies Cited in the New Testament Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
NT Citation
OT Reference
Indication of the Fulfillment of the Messianic Prophecy
Matt. 1.23
Isa. 7.14
The virgin birth of Jesus of Nazareth
Matt. 2.6
Mic. 5.2
The birth of Messiah in Bethlehem
Matt. 2.15
Hos. 11.1
That Yahweh would call Messiah out of Egypt, the second Israel
Rachel weeping over infants slain by Herod seeking to destroy Messianic seed
Matt. 2.18
Jer. 31.15
John the Baptist’s preaching fulfills the Messianic forerunner of Isaiah
Matt. 3.3
Isa. 40.3
Galilean ministry of Jesus fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy of Messiah’s light to the Gentiles Healing ministry of Jesus fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy regarding Messiah’s power to exorcize and heal Jesus’ healing ministry confirms his identity as Yahweh’s anointed Messiah Jesus confirms John the Baptist’s identity as the messenger of Yahweh in Malachi Jesus’ healing ministry fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy of Messiah’s compassion for the weak As Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the sea monster, so Jesus would be in the earth
6 Matt. 4.15-16
Isa. 9.1-2
Matt. 8.17
Isa. 53.4
Isa. 35.5-6; 61.1
8 Matt. 11.14-15
9 Matt. 11.10
Mal. 3.1
10 Matt. 12.18-21 Isa. 42.1-4
11 Matt. 12.40
Jon. 1.17
12 Matt. 13.14-15 Isa. 6.9-10
The spiritual dullness of Jesus’ audience
13 Matt. 13.35
Ps. 78.2
Messiah would teach in parables to the people
14 Matt. 15.8-9
Isa. 29.13
Hypocritical nature of the audience of Jesus
Triumphal entry of Messiah the King into Jerusalem upon the foal of a donkey
15 Matt. 21.5
Zech. 9.9
16 Matt. 21.9 Ps. 118.26-27
Hosannas to the King of Jerusalem
17 Matt. 21.16
Ps. 8.2
Out of the mouth of babes Yahweh declares salvation
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