Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

Messianic Prophecies Cited in the New Testament, continued

NT Citation

OT Reference

Indication of the Fulfillment of the Messianic Prophecy

38 Mark 14.62

Dan. 7.13

Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of Man of Daniel’s vision

The Son of Man, who is Jesus, will come from the right hand of Yahweh

39 Mark 14.62

Ps. 110.1

40 Mark 15.24

Ps. 22.18

Lots are cast for the garments of Messiah during his passion

41 Mark 15.34

Ps. 22.1

Messiah is forsaken by God for the redemption of the world

42 Luke 1.17

Mal. 4.6

John the Baptist will come in the power and the spirit of Elijah

43 Luke 1.76

Mal. 3.1

John goes before the Lord to prepare the way

44 Luke 1.79

Isa. 9.1-2

Messiah will give light to those who dwell in darkness

45 Luke 2.32 Isa. 42.6; 49.6

Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles

John is Isaiah’s voice that cries in the wilderness to prepare the Lord’s way Jesus is Yahweh’s servant, anointed by his Spirit to bring the good news of the Kingdom

46 Luke 3.4-5

Isa. 40.3

47 Luke 4.18-19 Isa. 61.1-2

48 Luke 7.27

Mal. 3.1

Jesus confirms John’s identity as the preparer of the Lord’s way

49 Luke 8.10

Isa. 6.9

The dullness of the audience to Messiah Jesus

Jesus fulfills in his entry into Jerusalem the Messianic prophecy of the King of Israel

50 Luke 19.38

Ps. 118.26

Jesus is Yahweh’s stone which the builders rejected, which has become the Capstone

51 Luke 20.17

Ps. 118.26

David calls his lord the Messiah and Lord, who is enthroned in Zion by Yahweh

52 Luke 20.42-43 Ps. 110.1

53 Luke 22.37

Isa. 53.12

Messiah is classed among criminals

Jesus will return from the right hand of God, from where he has been enthroned

54 Luke 22.69

Ps. 110.1

55 Luke 23.34

Ps. 22.18

Lots are cast for the garments of Messiah

John’s preaching is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy about the forerunner of the Messiah

56 John 1.23

Isa. 40.3

57 John 2.17

Ps. 69.17

Zeal for the house of the Lord will consume the Messiah

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