Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

Messianic Prophecies Cited in the New Testament, continued

NT Citation

OT Reference

Indication of the Fulfillment of the Messianic Prophecy

Messiah Jesus is the rejected stone whom God has made the cornerstone Yahweh will laugh at the opposition given by the nations to him and his anointed


Acts 4.11

Ps. 118.22


Acts 4.25

Ps. 2.1


Acts 7.37

Deut. 18.15

Yahweh will give to Israel a prophet like Moses

79 Acts 8.32-33

Isa. 53.7-9

Messiah Jesus is the Suffering Servant of Yahweh

God has fulfilled the promise to Israel in Jesus by raising him from the dead

80 Acts 13.33

Ps. 2.7

81 Acts 13.34

Isa. 53.3

Messiah Jesus is the fulfillment of the sure mercies of David

82 Acts 13.35

Ps. 16.10

Messiah would not undergo corruption in the grave

Through Paul, the message of Messiah becomes a light to the nations The dynasty of David is restored in Jesus, and Gentiles are welcomed into the Kingdom

83 Acts 13.47

Isa. 49.6

84 Acts 15.16-18 Amos 9.11-12

85 Rom. 9.25-26 Hos. 2.23; 1.10

Gentiles are to become the people of God

Rom. 9.33; 10.11

Messiah becomes a stone of stumbling to those who reject God’s salvation


Isa. 28.16

87 Rom. 10.13

Joel 2.32

Anyone calling on the name of the Lord will be saved

88 Rom. 11.8

Isa. 29.10

Israel through unbelief has been hardened to Messiah

89 Rom. 11.9-10 Ps. 69.22-23

Judgment has hardened upon Israel

90 Rom. 11.26 Isa. 59.20-21

A deliverer will come from Zion

91 Rom. 11.27

Isa. 27.9

Forgiveness of sins will be given through a new covenant

92 Rom. 14.11

Isa. 45.23

All will be finally judged by Yahweh

93 Rom. 15.9

Ps. 18.49

Gentiles praise God through faith in Messiah

94 Rom. 15.10

Deut. 32.43

God receives praise from the nations

95 Rom. 15.11

Ps. 117.1

The peoples of the earth give God glory

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