Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

of being undisciplined in our minds and spirits, and finally, we will touch on a few of the great benefits that comes from hiding the Word in our hearts.


“There’s no need to memorize. Look at the all wonderful technology today!” After being challenged in a small group on Christian growth to begin a program of Scripture memorization, one of the new Christians protested. “With all due respect, I just don’t get it. Why on earth would anybody memorize anything today? Look at all the wonderful technology available today. I can put an audio copy of the Bible on my iPod! With all the ways that the digital world has changed the way we learn, it doesn’t make sense that we would go back to old-fashioned committing-stuff-to-memory!” What is right and/or wrong with this opinion? “Too much of a good thing . . .” One of the things that discourages many people who begin Scripture memorization programs is that they are intimidated by the long lists of verses to memorize. Staring at a list or column of verses (some references with more than two verses with them!) can easily make the task seem impossible. Why would it not be possible to remember only a few verses, and let those few do all the “heavy lifting” in our Christian life? Is there such a thing as memorizing too many verses? What should be our goal in Scripture memorization: quantity or quality (or both)?

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I. The Power and Importance of Scripture Memorization

A. Our Lord Jesus and his apostles memorized Scripture, and used it often in their sermons and teachings.

1. The temptation of Christ, Matt. 4.1-11

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