Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
1. The entire MTB System includes the Guidebook, two DVD’s, the Memorize His Word software, bookmarks, and a poster. Verse cards in the English Standard and King James versions of the Bible are sold separately.
2. Each series is a representative list, a systematic overview of the critical texts in the Bible on those subjects.
a. The list is suggestive, pointing to the basic tone and tenor of the Bible’s teaching.
b. The list is comprehensive, but not exhaustive. (Learning these texts guarantees that you will have a handle on the elemental teaching in each series on the subjects–thus, “mastering the Scriptures”.)
3. The Scriptures center on the person and work of Jesus Christ, who himself is the theme and subject of the Scriptures (Matt. 5.17-18; John 5.39-40; Luke 24.27, 44-48; John 1.41-45; Heb. 10.7).
4. All the major passages used in worship and Christian growth are included (e.g., the Giving of the Law, the Great Commandment, the Lord’s Prayer, the Great Commission, the Love Chapter, the Last Supper, etc.).
5. The series is flexible: It has multiple usages and combinations.
a. You can study the Scriptures to follow up new Christians, and memorize the texts later.
b. You can memorize only one of the two texts given, or, if you are more ambitious, add to that number.
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