Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

6. Gradualness : Effective memorization must be done gradually and steadily; imitate the tortoise, not the hare!

7. Repetition : The more we review, the more we renew.

8. Feedback : You are more likely to remember those things that you interact and dialogue over with others.

9. Review : Structured, disciplined, and intentional review makes things more familiar to us.

10. Spacing : Spacing out our review times according to pre-determined schedules helps the memorization process.

B. The SQ5R Method of Scripture memorization

The SQ5R Method is an adaptation of an older study method for college prep. This method ensures that you attend to both the general elements that surround the text as well as the specific memorization of the text!

1. Survey the memorized text in its context (i.e., its setting in the Testament, section, book and chapter, along with its story context).

2. Question the text regarding important observations, interpretations, and implications.

3. Read the memorized text multiple times in the Bible, on its card, or in the Memorize His Word software program.

4. Recite the text out loud , clause by clause, adding an additional clause as the previous is mastered ( in this order for both recitation and review! )

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