Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 4: F rom Before to Beyond T ime , Ser i es 2 75

5. At some time in the past, the mystery of iniquity occurred (Satan rebelled against God’s sovereign rule, and evil entered the world), Isa. 14.12-15; Rev. 12.7-9.

B. The Beginning of Time

1. Through his creative Word, God created the universe, Heb. 11.3; Ps. 33.6-9.

2. The triune God alone is the Maker of the Universe (by his will, out of nothing), Gen. 1.1; 1 Cor. 8.5-6.

3. God created humankind in his own image, Gen. 1.26-27; Ps. 8.4-6.

4. Through voluntary rebellion, humankind sinned (the Fall), Gen. 3.6; Rom. 5.12-13.

5. Judgment and mercy: the start of death and grace, Rom. 3.21-23; Rom. 6.23.

C. The Unfolding of Time

1. Noah and the Flood, and the Tower of Babel, 1 Pet. 3.20-22; Acts 17.24-26.

2. The promise given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Gen. 22.15-18; Gal. 3.8.

3. God’s deliverance from Egypt (the Exodus), and the giving of the Law at Sinai, Exod. 20.1-7; Exod. 20.8-17.

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