Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 4: F rom Before to Beyond T ime , Ser i es 2 79

3. He alone declares the end of all things from their beginning, Isa. 46.10.

4. Nothing and no one can withstand the plan of God for salvation and redemption, Dan. 4.35.

5. As aliens and sojourners, our duty is to be God’s counter cultural community fleshing out his kingdom life of the Age to come in the here and now, 1 Pet. 1.13-21.

B. Live out the Story of God.

1. The Story of God in Christ is a light in a dark place, 2 Pet. 1.19; Ps. 119.105-107.

2. The Story of God in Christ is a spur to action, Heb. 10.23; 1 Cor. 15.57-58.

3. The Story of God in Christ is a cause for fear (get ready!), Prov. 9.10; 2 Pet. 3.13-14.

4. The Story of God in Christ is a call to prepare (for his coming), Luke 21.34-35; Luke 21.36.

5. The Story of God in Christ is a challenge to mission, Rom. 10.14-15; 2 Tim. 4.1-2.

Summary The key to mastering the Bible is coming to discern the Story of God in the storyline of the Bible. The reign and rule of God, which was discarded and rebelled against through the devil and sinful humankind, is being restored in the universe through the person and work of Jesus Christ. From the Garden, God promised a divine

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