Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 4: F rom Before to Beyond T ime , Ser i es 2 81

the enemy and to destroy death, and for sure, that is warfare. But, how do we talk to people who don’t know Christ about the Bible’s Story if the primary way we do it is to talk about God’s warfare against evil? Are there other equally biblical ways of talking about God’s salvation for us without mentioning his battle against evil, death, Satan, and sin?” How would you answer the friend’s question? Do other alternative ways of thinking about God’s salvation works exist, and if so, what are they? How do they compare to the idea of God fighting to restore his kingdom reign in the universe through Jesus? Insights All peoples and cultures shape their experience on the basis of the stories that they tell themselves, stories they embrace as both true and accurate in helping them understand how the world works. • The Scriptures speak with authority of God’s plan for his universe; they are true and inspired by God (God-breathed), infallible in all matters of faith and practice, and inerrant in their original writings. Scriptures; he perfectly fulfilled the Scripture’s moral Law, and all the prophets spoke of him and his work. God’s plan for salvation is fulfilled in his incarnation, death, and resurrection from the grave. • In order to master the Bible, we must come to read the stories of the Bible as a single Story of God’s salvation and redeeming work in Jesus Christ. Its central message is to testify of God’s victory over evil, the curse, Satan, and death through Jesus’ incarnation, death, resurrection, and soon return. • Jesus claimed that he himself was the theme of the

Connection Ask God to help you reflect and apply the truths and insights you learned from this chapter. Use the questions below to begin your meditation and application.

• Do I believe that the Scriptures are unique, inspired by God, true and infallible, and inerrant in their original writings?

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