Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Chapter 5: L i v i ng the Chr i s t L i fe , Ser i es 3
C. The Manifestation of Christ: Epiphany – as the promised King and divine Son of Man, Jesus reveals the Father’s glory and salvation to the world.
1. He is declared to be the Son of David, Rom. 1.3-4; Matt. 1.1.
2. Through his baptism, he is revealed as God’s Son, Luke 1.34-35; Matt. 3.16-17.
3. He is the Light to the Gentiles, Isa. 49.6; Matt. 2.11.
4. The Baptism of Christ, Mark 1.9-11; John 1.32-34.
5. The Transfiguration, Matt. 17.1-5; 2 Pet. 1.16-18.
D. The Ministry of Christ: Lent – as the one who inaugurates the Kingdom of God, Jesus demonstrates God’s authority as his Suffering Servant, showing the life of the Kingdom in his words, wonders, and works.
1. Christ’s humility, Luke 2.48-52; 2 Cor. 8.9.
2. His matchless teaching, Matt. 7.12; Mark 12.28-31.
3. His miracles prove his Messiahship, John 6.13-14; Mark 2.10-12.
4. His power over demons reveals his authority, Matt. 12.28-30; John 12.31-32.
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