Managing Projects for Ministry
116 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
Appendix 19 Principles of Enterprise Project Management Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
The Urban Ministry Institute employs a management style informed by the discipline and regimen of project management. In light of the creative, academic, and ministry goals of the Institute, we seek to select and implement specific projects designed to help us achieve our fiscal year goals, as well as enhance the abilities and skills of our faculty and staff in their ministry and service to Christ. 1. SECURE understanding and commitment from all our staff regarding the mission, values, and purposes of the Institute, who we are, why and for whom we exist, and the mandate we have to accomplish this task in light of the overall enterprise of World Impact. 2. STRUCTURE our entire ministry around a well-designed, carefully administered portfolio of distinct projects, which are derived from a critical assessment of our current situation, values, and our decision to focus on key priorities and goals reflected in this year’s annual budget process. 3. SELECT new staff on the basis of their proven strengths and experience, and encourage them to employ these strengths so as to help us build our community and accomplish our task. 4. SOAR strategically by organizing our management focus on helping each staff member to identify, concentrate upon, and grow personally and professionally in the area(s) of their strengths and burdens, while finding new ways to compensate for and manage our shared weaknesses. 5. Take concrete steps to enable each staff member to SHARPEN their performance in the area of their greatest gifts and assets, giving more and more resources for personal development. 6. Excellence is the sole STANDARD of all activities, events, and productions at the Institute; each item, from the smallest act to the largest project, should be done to the glory of God in Christ. 7. To offer the best in personal SERVICE expresses our deepest commitment and is the cardinal virtue in the Institute’s organizational culture. To serve others well is the overarching
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