Managing Projects for Ministry

118 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

Appendix 20 Project Constraints “Cheat Sheet” Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The following list of questions may be helpful when considering the viability of a new project.

1. What is the definition and purpose of this project? a. What precisely is the intent of this project? b. How does this project relate specifically to our purposes and objectives? c. What makes this particular project an urgent priority at this time? 2. What precisely is the expected outcome of the project, and according to what specifications and standards will the results be measured? a. For whom, in what way, in what amount, for how many, how much, how soon, and how well must this be done? b. What should the outcome look like if all goes well in this project? c. What are the exact specifications and standards required for this project? 3. What is my role and responsibility on the project team? a. What is my role, position, or title (if any exists) for this particular project? b. What team members are assigned to this project, and what are their precise roles? c. For what duties or jobs am I directly responsible to implement, oversee, or make happen? d. To whom do I report, and for whom am I directly responsible? 4. What is the extent of my authority in this project? a. What can I do according to my own discretion? b. What things must I receive counsel on and authorization for before I act? c. What areas are my leader’s “non-negotiables”? d. How much flexibility do I have in modifying key elements of the project?

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