Managing Projects for Ministry

12 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

4. Project management is not a panacea for disciplined, organized, and effective engagement in the work God has called us to do.

B. What it is

A sequence of tasks with a beginning and an end that are bounded by time, resources, and desired results. This means that a project has a specific, desired outcome; a deadline or target date when the project must be done, and a budget that limits the amount of people, supplies, and money that can be used to complete the project. ~ Sunny and Kim Baker. Project Management .

1. Project management is a sequence of tasks with a beginning and an end (a series of related tasks and events which are interrelated, multiple events, which overlap and interconnect).

2. Project management is a bounded enterprise (an under- taking which is limited and constrained by certain clear boundaries and issues).

3. Project management is a bounded enterprise by the realities of time, resources, and desired results (issues of time, resources, and specifications give meaning and direction to the scope, duration, and potential risks and opportunities of an undertaking).

4. Project management summary:

a. This means that a project has a specific, desired outcome.

b. A deadline or target date when the project must be done

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