Managing Projects for Ministry
120 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
Appendix 21 Project Management Process Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
I. Plan It.
A. Define it.
1. Explore it: Clarify your vision. 2. Explain it: List the goals and objectives of project.
B. Refine it. 1. Break it up: Divide your project into categories. 2. Break it down: List essential tasks for each category. C. Align it. 1. Line ‘em up: Put categories in order of priority. 2. Lock ‘em down: Set deadlines for each category. D. Design it. 1. Get clear: Determine the overall budget, resources, and criteria needed for your project. 2. Get the go-ahead: Receive approval to move on your project. 3. Get off the ground: Enlist core team members for your project. E. Assign it. 1. Lay it on: Make assignments, give resources, and list minimum standards. 2. Lay it out: Finalize overall schedule for the project.
II. Work It.
A. United we stand, divided we fall: Form and manage your project teams.
B. Get your game face on: Be aggressive and innovative in your execution.
C. Make it plain: Communicate with team members during execution.
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