Managing Projects for Ministry
122 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
Appendix 22 Process for TUMI Project Selection and Practice Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
I. A TUMI staff person generates or identifies an idea from any source, and it is played with, toyed with, thought about, until a project possibility is scoped out by someone for TUMI’s engagement (Proposal)
II. Whoever comes up with an idea completes our form, thinking through the possibilities associated with the proposal
A. Project form is filled out general
B. Idea is shared with project coordinator and Director for first-glance response 1. Does it line up with our vision and purpose? 2. Is it in sync with our current priorities? C. Idea is discussed and weighed among staff informed by relevant criteria for its timeliness and appropriateness (appropriate TUMI staff) 1. Do we all share a gut instinct that this deserves our time and attention now? 2. Does this idea merit a shift in our current focus and priorities? Why do we think this is the case? 3. Is there someone willing to make it their own and run with it? 4. Are staff available and willing to serve on a team for it?
III. Director signs off; decision is made as to the project’s viability
A. Project idea is not approved
B. Project idea is approved but postponed (placed in the inactive category)
C. Project idea is both approved and made a priority, subject to final project plan’s approval
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