Managing Projects for Ministry

126 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

TUMI Policy on Project Process, continued

ager and the team should evaluate the project and write a brief, dated summary of what worked, and what did not, in the process.

7. Focus on end results , not on agreement as to details or ways of accomplishment. Give a clear sense to team members of what they are responsible for, and when it is due, leaving the specifics to the person in charge. 8. Set dates to review progress of the plan with the team, especially the key players, and make adjustments when necessary, either to the plan itself or to the project’s place in the portfolio. 9. All staff should be encouraged to suggest and take responsibility for creative projects under the scope of their responsibility, working with the Director and Administrator to establish boundaries of responsibility, authority, deadlines, resources, and specifications. 10. All projects should be formally reviewed and gleefully celebrated upon accomplishment. Projects should be closed at their end, that is, once the event is over and/or the output delivered (if any was required), all administrative details should be wrapped up, additional resources restocked, the project officially finished, and its team disbanded.

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