Managing Projects for Ministry

128 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

Project Worksheet, continued

3. Enlist and nail down project team members 4. Receive authorization as project manager 5. Assign tasks with dates and specs for all members 6. Schedule milestones for feedback and review 7. Establish procedures and policies 8. Officially commence project plan 9. Monitor progress through milestone dates

C. Wrap-Up: Evaluate the Project for Effectiveness 1. Host event, produce product, complete project 2. Wrap up all details associated with project 3. Conduct final project team meeting for assessment 4. Dispose and disperse leftover project debts and materials 5. Release and thank project team members 6. Conduct review of project by project manager (submit to project coordinator) 7. Project manager write summary report 8. Archive all notes, materials, plans in St. Michael's War Room for future reference

III. Receive Permission/Authorization to Fail!

A. Authorization is not the demand to succeed, but permission to fail

B. Be reckless in carrying it out; no risk after authorization

C. Do it on behalf of all of us

D. Trust God to make it happen

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