Managing Projects for Ministry
130 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
TUMI Project Protocol, continued
IV. Execution Phase, Project Leader Implement and complete project . A. Create Schedule (work breakdown structure [WBS] – tasks, time frame, specs) B. Communicate to Project Team (gather team and cover WBS, get their input) C. Revise WBS based on team review and send out revised WBS to team D. Put WBS tasks on calendar/schedule (adjust tasks in light of operational responsibilities and/or other projects tasks) E. Draft Project Summary form #4 and give to Director F. Commence project according to plan (complete execution phase of Project Checklist ) G. Monitor project – adjust plan as necessary: PWR H. Wrap-up V. Review AND Celebrate!, Project Manager and Team Evaluate finished project (or deliverable) and celebrate the project’s completion. A. Gather team to find out what went right with the project, what should be added, what should be changed, what should be dropped (take notes) B. Draft summary of the project, along with review notes C. Acknowledge team members for job well done and celebrate! D. File all project notes and paperwork, along with summary of project and review notes.
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