Managing Projects for Ministry
14 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
2. A desired outcome or result.
3. Stakeholders and authorities who give both approval and investment in the project’s aims and end
4. An ad-hoc (“to the thing”) team assigned the responsibility to plan and implement the project
5. A project budget which reflects the intentions and commitments of the thing to be accomplished
6. A clearly articulated and sequenced plan with milestones, deadlines, and specific contact and check-points
7. Drafting specific goals with their related tasks , all seeking to provide leverage for the overall accomplishment of the project’s aims
8. Ongoing monitoring of project activities to ensure conformity to standards of quality and performance
9. Delegated authority and resources granted within the bounds of the project for its accomplishment
E. Project management and ministry management
1. Project management is most effective as an element within an overall vision of ministry management that takes seriously the elements and purposes of the entire enterprise, the whole endeavor and the right coordination of all of its parts .
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