Managing Projects for Ministry

140 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y

Appendix 32 Sample: TUMI Annual Budget Development Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

1. Consult with National and TUMI staff regarding strategic ministry opportunities for the upcoming fiscal year.

2. Compose TUMI fiscal year goals list.

3. Set priorities of TUMI goals list.

4. Generate tentative project list based on TUMI priorities.

5. Research resources needed for proposed projects.

6. Draft budget in light of proposed projects and send to National.

7. Receive proposed budget back from National, revise proposal until National signs off.

8. Prepare and print final approved budget for the fiscal year.

9. Finalize active project priorities for next fiscal year.

10. Manage TUMI schedule, personnel and resources according to prioritized projects and budgets.

Catching the Wind of the Spirit: Criteria for Priorities at TUMI

1. Keith-mandated projects of National importance

2. Fiscal year priorities (approved by National)

3. Emergent opportunities in sync with World Impact vision (via TUMI)

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