Managing Projects for Ministry
16 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
2. Discuss carefully and thoroughly in order to understand your central commitments, convictions, and values.
D. Understand your particular field of mission.
1. What is the history of our particular field of mission?
2. For whom and to whom are our efforts directed?
3. What are the critical needs of those in our target group, and how are they currently being met?
4. What programs/activities currently exist to meet them?
5. How effective have these programs or activities been to alleviate these needs?
6. What conditions currently demand our most immediate relief, concern, and attention?
E. Take inventory on your present resources.
1. What is the level of our commitment and burden to these needs?
2. Whom do we have who is currently working on these problems?
3. What facilities, equipment, technologies, and materials do we have?
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