Managing Projects for Ministry

Append i x 163

Getting a Good Team Rhythm, continued

VII. Execute Your Plans according to Schedule A. Create a project schedule. B. Communicate to all parties their roles and responsibilities. C. Coordinate activities at appropriate times. D. Set dates for review and feedback. E. Set up appointments for accountability, review, and assessment. VIII. Review and Evaluate Effectiveness in Light of Goals A. What did we hope to accomplish? B. Did we accomplish our goals? Why or why not? C. Should this or another goal be repeated? Why or why not? D. How did those responsible perform? E. Did these efforts bring us any closer to our ultimate goal, or did these activities deter and distract us? IX. Revise Goals, Priorities, and Strategies for New Cycle Use information received to assess needs more clearly, to set better goals, formulate better strategies, and obtain better results for the glory of God.

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