Managing Projects for Ministry
166 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
Surveying Your Target Community, continued
b. What do these homes cost and/or what is the average rental fee? c. Who are the land and property owners for most of the community? d. What is the general condition of the rental housing in the community? e. To what extent is the property adequately repaired and maintained? Why? f. How many of the residents of the community lack adequate housing? What is the number of homeless people in this neighborhood? g. How many hotels, rooming houses, trailer camps, and other facilities exist for transients and the homeless? h. How does the housing opportunities in your neighborhood compare to dwellings in neighboring communities? i. Who are the individuals in charge of public housing administration in this area? Who are the key realtors and realty agencies here? j. What is the number of government units and housing in the area? Are there any government housing projects? If so, how many currently live in these homes/apartments/duplexes? k. What are the current building projects taking place in the community that have the potential to change the current housing situation? l. What innovative housing alternatives exist for the poor and needy in this area? m. According to population trends, what will the community need to obtain or change in light of its future housing needs? 4. What Is the Economic Condition and Character of the Community? a. What is the income range of the people in our community? What tax brackets are represented within it? b. How do most of its residents earn their living? c. What percentage of the communities working population commute outside of the community to work? d. What percentage of community residents are unemployed? Stratify your answer according to population differences in race, gender, ethnicity, education level, etc. e. What is the standard of living in the community compared to other communities nearby, and the city at large?
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