Managing Projects for Ministry
Append i x 185
The Continuing Reign of Adhocracy: TUMI’s Prototype Shop, continued
worlds–maximum input in terms of ideas, and best performance in terms of gifting. There will be room, too, for individuals to work on projects in the Shop wholly designed and run by themselves. How Will the TUMI Prototype Shop Run? We are an enterprise project management organization, and so we will operate the Shop according to our Project Portfolio. Nothing will change in regard to management style in regards to the Shop . Both the following documents “TUMI Project Steps” and “Project Checklist” are forms to help you as you determine to propose a project for the Shop . As in all things at TUMI, we must advocate processes that allow each of us to “soar with our strengths,” that is, to use our individual gifts, interests, and burdens to help us make a maximum contribution together. For the Shop , this will mean that we must strive in each project endeavor to receive the best and most appropriate participation from every one of our staff. For example, Lorna is our Project Coordinator, and will be charged with the task of administrating the projects of the Shop . Dan and Carolyn have the biggest shoulders around in terms of having significant skills in every form of digital and multimedia presentation and design. Tim, as one of the finest illustrators around, bar-none has the best pre-production quality control of any of us, and Leah is the queen of masterful organization and order. Terry is a human fund of clean clarity in regards to biblical, missiological, and theo- logical issues, and Julie as our librarian, is a trained professional in all things related to archiving and resource management. Beth is the “radar” of TUMI, serving in every capacity that she has been asked, and my role is to take credit for everything you all do so well. All kidding aside, in order to make the Prototype Shop work, we will need to defer and submit to one another as we proceed to create and initiate new and innovate products and activities. What will we do when we reach an impasse? That will depend on the individuals involved, and the kind of project we are engaged in. I am hoping that the Project Manager (that person who is leading the charge for a PS project) will be able to settle any issues among the team or with Lorna. In those rare cases where we cannot reach
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