Managing Projects for Ministry
About the Authors
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis is the Director of The Urban Ministry Institute. He received a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College, an M.A. in Systematic Theology from the Wheaton Graduate School, and holds a Ph.D. in Theology and Ethics from the University of Iowa School of Religion. Dr. Davis has taught as professor of religion and theology at a number of colleges and seminaries, including Wheaton College, St. Ambrose University, and the Houston Graduate School of Theology. Since 1975, he has served with World Impact, an interdenominational missions agency dedicated to evangelism, discipleship, and urban church planting among the inner cities of America. A frequent speaker at national conventions and conferences, Don also serves as World Impact’s Vice President of Leadership Development. He is a Staley Lecturer and a member of the American Academy of Religion. Over the years Dr. Davis has authored numerous curricula, courses, and materials designed to equip pastors, church planters, and Christian workers for effective ministry in urban settings, including the Capstone Curriculum, The Urban Ministry Institute’s comprehensive sixteen-module seminary-level curriculum designed specifically for developing urban church leaders.
Lorna Rasmussen is the Administrator/Project Manager of The Urban Ministry Institute.
Lorna joined World Impact staff in 1991. She began her missionary service in Chester, PA (south of Philadelphia) as a community minister involved in children and youth Bible clubs, teen discipling, and cross- cultural church planting. In 1997, Lorna joined The Urban Ministry Institute as administrative support staff, and then as Administrator supervising TUMI’s administrative systems, schedule, and resources. Lorna also serves as TUMI’s Project Manager, which involves giving oversight and coordination to TUMI’s numerous and diverse academic, urban ministry, leadership consultation, and training projects.
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