Managing Projects for Ministry
62 Manag i ng Pro j ec t s for Mi n i s t r y
II. Case Studies of Project Management
A. The Capstone Curriculum: the multi-year, massive project
1. Its purpose and process: leadership development curriculum
2. Its problems and pains: underfunded, changing schedule, Herculean amount of work
3. Its product and potential: a remarkable magnum opus
B. World Impact’s Urban Church Plant School, Denver Colorado, 2002: the handling-disaster-in-the-Rockies- spontaneously project
1. Its purpose and process: training urban missionaries in the mountains
2. Its problems and pains: forest fires and change of venue to Denver
3. Its product and potential: remarkable feat of spontaneous flexible planning
C. TUMI graduation: the single-event, “normal-sized” project
1. Its purpose and process: to honor our graduates
2. Its problems and pains: handling factors not directly under your control
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