Managing Projects for Ministry
Appendix 15 Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future
Appendix 16 Traditions
Appendix 17 Documenting Your Work: A Guide to Help You Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
The following documents, charts, and articles represent a potpourri of materials we have used and developed in our project management programming over the last sixteen plus years. As such, these appendices will give a sense of being a kind of hodge- podge of materials, all related to conceiving, managing, and closing projects. These papers are meant to be resources for you to adapt and rearrange for your use in your particular situation, consistent with your unique purposes and ministry style. We ourselves have used a number of instruments to conduct our project management, and are constantly adapting and changing the various processes and forms we find most helpful. We strongly urge you to browse through these documents and adapt these forms and concepts to best suit your situation.
Happy adaptation! Don Davis and Lorna Rasmussen
Appendix 18 Davis’s Project Gauntlet: The Dirty Dozen Criteria for New Initiatives
Appendix 19 Principles of Enterprise Project Management
Appendix 20 Project Constraints “Cheat Sheet”
Appendix 21 Project Management Process
Appendix 22 Process for TUMI Project Selection and Practice
Appendix 23 TUMI Policy on Project Process
Appendix 24 Project Worksheet
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