Mentor's Manual
Append i x 159
14. Explain the “already/not yet dimension” of the Kingdom of God; although the Kingdom of God has come in the fulfill- ment of the Messianic promise in the person of Jesus, the Kingdom will only be consummated at his Second Coming, when the full and final manifestation will occur. The Church is both sign and foretaste of the Kingdom present today, who is authorized to proclaim and demonstrate the victory of Christ over Satan and the curse as his agent and deputy. 15. Draw out the main implications of the Mission as the War of the Spheres motif, including the reassertion of God’s rule today over his universe in Jesus Christ, God as the warrior who through his anointed One has defeated the power of the devil and the effects of the curse, and how mission through this lens becomes the display and proclamation of the rule of God here and now. Making disciples among all nations is advancing the reign of God by testifying to its coming in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. 1. Define the concept of the city from the Bible, including the fact that cities were a collection of houses and buildings surrounded by walls, were significant and impressive for their time, and that some were dependent for protection and supply upon others. Cities, common in the ancient world, were relatively small, typically unpaved, strengthened by thick walls and high towers, and seats of government and power. 2. Lay out the spiritual meaning of the city, that is, the ways in which cities were associated with human rebellion and idolatry ( Enoch , the city of Cain), with independence and arrogance (as in the case of the Tower of Babel), and with evil and godlessness (as with Babylon). Cities were judged by God for their sinfulness (e.g., Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho, Nineveh), and denounced for their false sense of security and power (specifically, Jerusalem). 3. Show how God adopted the city as symbol of his dwelling place and blessing, i.e., his selection of Jerusalem for himself, and his determination to make her a praise in the earth. Show further the divine irony of God transforming the image of rebellion into an image of refuge (i.e., the cities of Refuge), as well as the image of a place which can know and
Teaching Objectives for Capstone, by Module
After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to:
Objectives for Lesson 3 Christian Mission and the City
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