Mentor's Manual

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Finally in lesson four, Follow-up and Incorporation , we will explore the idea of conserving the fruit of our evangelism by following up new converts, that act of “incorporating new converts into the family of God so they can be equipped to grow in Christ and use their gifts for ministry.” We will look at how the apostles nurtured new converts, and study how we can use the same steps to bring new converts into a local assembly of believers, on the road to spiritual maturity and fruitfulness. Our Lord Jesus desires that we bear much fruit to the glory and praise of God (John 15.8-16). May the Lord bless your study of his Word so you can join the harvest workers in gathering the fruit of the Lord’s own salvation, to the Father’s glory! 1. Describe carefully the truths surrounding the voluntary rebellion and disobedience of the devil and the first human pair, and how the universe as a result of this disobedience has been thrown into spiritual war. 2. Show from the Scriptures that although God made the world good, because of the Fall, demonic powers were unleashed in the world, creation was made subject to corruption and death and humankind is now enslaved, subject to disease, death, alienation, and selfishness. 3. Demonstrate from the Bible that salvation essentially is God’s deliverance of humankind and creation through the power of the Spirit from the power and effects of sin, from Satan’s dominion and tyranny and the fear of death, as well as from the effects of the Curse and sin. 4. Communicate clearly how evangelism is proclaiming God’s promised and prophesied deliverance through Jesus Christ to the entire world in the power of the Holy Spirit. Objectives for Capstone Module 8, Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to:

Teaching Objectives for Capstone, by Module

Objectives for Lesson 1 Spiritual Warfare: Binding of the Strong Man

After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to:

Objectives for Lesson 2 Evangelism: The Content of the Good News of the Kingdom

1. Recite some of the various biblical terms in the New Testament describing the good news of the Gospel.

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