Mentor's Manual
194 For the Nex t Generat i on: The Urban Mi n i s t r y I ns t i tute ’ s Mentor Manua l
the other “lived”), was considered dead but lived as one alive to the Gentiles. Show how he was raised from the dungeon and exalted to a place of authority, and power, and took a Gentile bride. Finally, show how, like Christ, he gave all honor to the king, and delivered all glory and treasure into the king’s hand, brought his people to repentance and self- knowledge, was reconciled to his kinsman and received back into fellowship, and was acknowledged to be the savior of his people and their ruler. 11. Give evidence of how Joshua, the captain of the Lord’s armies is an OT character type of Christ, his name resonates with Jesus’ name (Joshua=Jehovah is salvation; Jesus= Jehovah saves), he alone was chosen by God to lead the people into the Promised Land, his commitment was to utterly destroy God’s enemies in Canaan, and he was accompanied by a special manifestation of the presence of the Lord throughout his fight with God’s enemies. Show, too, how he subordinated himself to the leading of God, dying to his own will, how his warfare was rooted in his relationship with Yahweh, leading God’s people personally into battle, fighting alongside them in combat against God’s enemies, and won complete victory, dividing the spoils among those who fought beside him in the battle. 12. Explain how the roles of prophet, priest, and king, are the special character types of Adam, Joseph, and Joshua are seen in the life of Jesus. While such roles and types are tremen- dously helpful in providing our OT witness to Christ, they give comprehensive not exhaustive pictures of the life and ministry of Christ. Only by linking the prefiguring in the OT to the revelation of Christ in the NT do we get the fullest picture and meaning of these roles and types together in the life and ministry of Jesus.
Teaching Objectives for Capstone, by Module
After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to:
Objectives for Lesson 4 The Promise Universalized
1. Define the term for Messiah in the Greek messias , the Aramaic form of the Hebrew mashiach, which means “to anoint”; Christos is the equivalent NT terminology meaning “anointed one.” 2. Provide a general overview of the basic characteristics of OT Messianic prophecy, including its focus on the deliverance of God’s people, its strong use of figurative language, its
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