Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society

About the Author5
Session 1: Training Cross-Cultural Ministers - Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest11
Session 2: The Story of God - Theological Foundations for Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society27
Session 3: Jesus Christ as Lord of the Harvest - The Ground of Certainty for Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society47
Session 4: The Difference That Difference Makes - Culture, Religion, and Diversity in Post-Modern Society66
Session 5: The Church and the World - Drafting a Biblical Ecclesiology in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society85
Session 6: To the Ends of the Earth - Evangelism and Followup in a Multi-Cultural, Unchurched Society99
Session 7 Church Matters and Going Back to the Future - What’s All the Hubbub about the Great Tradition?113
Session 8: Reproducing to the Fourth Generation - Shared Spirituality and Church Planting Movements133
Session 9: Creedal Theology as Blueprint for Discipleship and Leadership - Equipping Disciples in a Multi-Cultural, Unchurched Society149
Appendix 1: The Nicene Creed171
Appendix 2: The Nicene Creed with Biblical Support171
Appendix 3: We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed174
Appendix 4: We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed175
Appendix 5: The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots175
Appendix 6: Once upon a Time177
Appendix 7: The Theology of Christus Victor179
Appendix 8: Christus Victor: An Integrated Vision for the Christian Life181
Appendix 9: Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom181
Appendix 10: Summary Outline of the Scriptures183
Appendix 11: From Before to Beyond Time187
Appendix 12: There Is a River189
Appendix 13: A Schematic for a Theology of the Kingdom of God191
Appendix 14: Living in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom191
Appendix 15: Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future193
Appendix 16: Traditions (Paradosis)193
Appendix 17: Documenting Your Work201
Appendix 18: A Nicene Interpretation of Church Planting Movements205
Appendix 19: Imagining a C1 Integrated Church Planting Movement207
Appendix 20: The Concept of the Locale Church207
Appendix 21: The Nature of Dynamic Church Planting Movements211
Appendix 22: Three Levels of Ministry Investment215
Appendix 23: Four Contexts of Urban Christian Leadership Development215
Appendix 24: Discerning the Call217
Appendix 25: Nurturing Authentic Christian Leadership217
Appendix 26: Our Declaration of Dependence219
Appendix 27: Elements of an Urban Church Planting Movement221
Appendix 28: Discerning Valid Urban Church Planting Movements223
Appendix 29: The Efficiency of Dynamic Standardization223
Appendix 30: The Threefold Cord of Urban Cross-Cultural Church Planting Movements225
Appendix 31: Urban Church Association225
Appendix 32: Targeting Unreached Groups in Churched Neighborhoods227
Appendix 33: A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future227
Appendix 34: Picking Up on Different Wavelengths233
Appendix 35: The Oikos Factor237
Appendix 36: Regions of Governance237
Appendix 37: A Time Line of Church History239
Appendix 38: From Deep Ignorance to Credible Witness241
Appendix 39: Dialogic Diagram243
Appendix 40: Dialogical Analysis of Early Church Controversies243
Appendix 41: The Orthodox Church245
Appendix 42: The Sacred Roots Movement245
Appendix 43: Worship and the Cosmic Drama247
Appendix 44: Shared Spirituality251
Appendix 45: Suffering for the Gospel251
Appendix 46: Paul’s Partnership Theology253
Appendix 47: Six Kinds of New Testament Ministry for Community255
Appendix 48: Faithfully Re-presenting Jesus of Nazareth255
Appendix 49: Substitute Centers to a Christ-Centered Vision257
Appendix 50: Union with Christ: The Christo-centric Paradigm257
Appendix 51: Toward a Hermeneutic of Critical Engagement261
Appendix 52: A Theology of the Church in Kingdom Perspective261
Appendix 53: The Picture and the Drama263
Appendix 54: The Principle of Substitution263
Appendix 55: Living in the Upside-Down Kingdom of God265
Appendix 56: World Christianity by the Numbers265
Appendix 57: Statistics on Urban Diversity273
Appendix 58: Cross-Cultural Church Planting Principles275
Appendix 59: World Impact’s Vision275
Appendix 60: The Church Plant Team278
Appendix 61: Paul’s Team Members278
Appendix 62: What Is Going On?281
Appendix 63: What If the Entire World Were a Village of 100 People?281
Appendix 64: The Complexity of Difference283
Appendix 65: The Continuum of Cultural Practice283
Appendix 66: Learning to Be a Theo Smith285
Appendix 67: Culture, Not Color285
Appendix 68: The Cycle of Freedom287
Appendix 69: Three Contexts of Urban Christian Leadership Development287
Appendix 70: Dealing with Old Ways289
Appendix 71: Five Views of the Relationship between Christ and Culture289
Appendix 72: Fit to Represent291
Appendix 73: The Hump291
Appendix 74: Spiritual Gifts Specifically Mentioned in the New Testament293
Appendix 75: Understanding Leadership as Representation295
Appendix 76: “In Christ”295
Appendix 77: Apostolicity297
Appendix 78: Hindrances to Christlike Servanthood297
Appendix 79: The Role of Women in Ministry299
Appendix 80: Indigenous Churches303
Appendix 81: Walking according to Wisdom307
Appendix 82: Thirty-three Blessings in Christ312
Bibliography: For Further Study on Ministry in a Multi-Cultural andUnchurched Society317
About Us319

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