Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society

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a. Change of mind, Matt. 21.28-29; Luke 15.17-18; Acts 2.38

b. Godly sorrow for sin, Ps. 38.18; Luke 18.9-14

c. Confession and forsaking of sin, Luke 15.18; 18.13; Prov. 28.13; Isa. 55.7

d. Turning to God in Christ, Acts 26.18; 1 Thess. 1.19

e. Movement towards restitution and restoration, Luke 19.8-9

2. Faith: pistis (the medium of saving commitment)

Reorientation of one’s life values and vision

a. Knowledge of the apostolic witness concerning Jesus of Nazareth, 1 Cor. 15.1-4

(1) The incarnation

(2) The passion

(3) The death

(4) The resurrection

Note: The movement towards repentance and faith is a spiritual work; no technique or method can suffice to prepare a person’s heart to receive God’s word regarding Christ and his kingdom outside of the convicting power of the Holy Spirit (John 16.7-11).

(5) The witness and the testimony

b. Confession of Jesus as Lord, Rom. 10.9

c. Belief in God’s resurrection of Jesus, Rom. 10.9

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