Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society

Ses s i on 6: To the Ends of the Ear th 107

3. The believer as placed in the position of God’s own dear children, both within the family and the body (cf. Gal. 4.5; Eph. 1.5; Rom. 8.23, 9.4)

4. God has placed you “in Christ,” and given you all spiritual blessings “in him,” Eph. 1.3.

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How direct ought we to be in our biblical theological language and categories in our ministry within multi-cultural and unchurched contexts? Might it be unwise, for the sake of conceptualization, to speak of biblical categories without some kind of pre-evangelistic preparation of our audience for these notions? Why or why not?

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IV. Follow-Up: Incorporating and Nurturing in the Family of God

A. Definition: “God incorporates (positions, places) each disciple of Jesus into his family in order that each one may be edified, bear abundant spiritual fruit that lasts, which is all done ultimately to the glory of God.”

1. Incorporation into the family of God – introduction and welcome into the family of God, Rom. 15.5-7

a. Making visible and concrete what has in fact become spiritually real

b. Welcome as central factor of koinonia , 1 John 1.1-4

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