Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Mi n i s t r y i n a Mu l t i -Cu l tura l and Unchur ched Soc i et y
3. They are spiritually formed by a focus on the life of Jesus Christ , learning of him, taking his yoke, and obeying his commands (e.g., through the Christian Year).
C. They practice the disciplines of the Christian life alone and together , proclaiming the Kingdom of God in their lives and as a community.
1. Legitimate CPMs are evangelical : they unashamedly proclaim the Gospel of Christ in their worship, their conduct, their works of service, and their ministry of evangelism and church planting.
2. Legitimate CPMs are charismatic : they are essentially Spirit-filled movements, anchored in the power of the Holy Spirit, functioning through the manifestations and gifts of the Spirit expressed in the body.
3. Legitimate CPMs are catholic : they essentially connect members, leaders, and churches locally and regionally to worship and glorify God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit (they are not sectarian).
4. Legitimate CPMs are apostolic : they are burdened with the fulfillment of the Great Commission, both within the people group where they are birthed and beyond.
D. Case in point: Jedidistan (jeh-DEED-ih-stan), Garrison, pp. 110-122
1. Garrison’s real case study fictitiously called Jedidistan: “the largest CPM in the history of Christian missions to Muslims,” Garrison, p. 110
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