Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Mi n i s t r y i n a Mu l t i -Cu l tura l and Unchur ched Soc i et y
and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
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Let’s respond immediately, right where we are with what we have . . . We can do no great things; only small things with great love.
~ Mother Teresa
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B. Recognize the critical role of urban mission at the end of the age. See the city’s strategic place: “as the cities go, so the world will go.”
C. Acknowledge the unbelievable spiritual stakes: the largest field perhaps in the history of the world (433 cities of a million or more!). “The God of the Bible is the initiator and the director of the missionary enterprise. He cultivates green plants and governs the creation for the well-being of the human race, but his chief concern is focused particularly on people. For their salvation he sends his prophets, as he sent his Son, to the city” (Greenway and Monsma. Cities: Missions’ New Frontier ).
D. Quip: In missions it pays to know your limits . . .
Muhammed Ali: Stewardess:
~ Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes
E. Mobilize your praying and giving to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity: every urban neighborhood can be a sending center!
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