Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Ses s i on 2: The Stor y of God
5. It has action outcomes (what ought we to do in light of our mythic vision).
E. Key Propositions of Story Theology
William J. Bausch lists ten propositions related to story theology that help us understand the significance and importance of the study of stories in the understanding of Bible and theology (William J. Bausch, Storytelling and Faith . Mystic, Connecticut: Twenty-Third Publications, 1984).
1. Stories introduce us to sacramental presences .
2. Stories are always more important than facts .
3. Stories remain normative ( authoritative ) for the Christian community of faith.
4. Christian traditions evolve and define themselves through and around stories.
5. The stories of God precede, produce, and empower the community of God’s people.
6. Community story implies censure, rebuke, and accountability .
7. Stories produce theology .
8. Stories produce many theologies .
9. Stories produce ritual and sacrament .
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