Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society
Mi n i s t r y i n a Mu l t i -Cu l tura l and Unchur ched Soc i et y
spiritual ministry in a multi-cultural and unchurched context. In a culturally diverse and increasingly neo-pagan religious context, the effective pastor and Christian worker must strive to become proficient in the truths and practices associated with making disciples in the 21st century. As a result of taking this course, each student should be able to: • Quote, interpret, and use effectively key Scriptures on ministering in a multi-cultural and unchurched society. • Reproduce a working outline of the Kingdom of God as foundation for ministry. • Identify the key issues surrounding Christ, culture, and the Church. • Recite select principles associated with evangelism, discipleship, and church formation in multi-cultural and unchurched contexts. • Articulate their own personal theology of ministry in these contexts. • Experience events from other cultures showing appreciation and critical engagement. The risen Lord Jesus commissions every new generation of believers to testify to the grace of God of the Gospel where they live. In a world that is dramatically diverse, increasingly pagan, and yet universally ready to hear the Good News of the Gospel, we must be diligent to understand the dynamics of culture and the principles of com munication to speak God’s Word clearly and boldly. Ministering cross-culturally in a post-modern context is taxing but important, and holds the promise of leading many searchers to him who alone can transform their lives by his grace. May the Lord grant you grace to become all things to all people in order that you may testify solemnly and yet joyfully of the hope God has granted to the world through his Son, Jesus our Savior and Lord.
~ Don Davis
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