Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman (SRSC 12)

Chapter 1 Choosing a Life of Integrity (1720–1748)

Chapter Summary In this chapter, John Woolman summarizes the first twenty-eight years of his life. He remembers these years as a time of leaving behind the “vanities” of the world (loose company, profane language, unkind speech to parents) and taking on a life devoted to God. As he entered a life ruled by the power of Christ, Woolman became attached to key practices like reading Scripture, attending church meetings, and setting aside times of solitude. He also learned to dwell in humble relationship with the Holy Spirit, who is described as a divine or inward “principle” which draws the mind to good thoughts, feelings or actions. Woolman recounts his maturing in the spiritual life through lessons he learns regarding violence to animals, speaking out, and acting with integrity toward slaves. Woolman uses these stories, along with other comments, to introduce themes that he follows through the rest of his Journal , such as care


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