Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman (SRSC 12)
Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman
past may go forward and spread among the nations, and may not go backward through dust gathering on our garments, who have been called to a work so great and so precious. Last evening during your absence I had a little opportunity with some of your family, in which I rejoiced, and feeling a sweetness on my mind toward you, I now endeavor to open a little of the feeling I had there. I have heard that you in these parts have at certain seasons Meetings of Conference in relation to Friends living up to our principles, in which several meetings unite in one. With this I feel unity, having in some measure felt truth* lead that way among Friends in America, and I have found, my dear friend, that in these labors all superfluities in our own living are against us. I feel that pure love toward you in which there is freedom. I look at that precious gift bestowed on you with awfulness* before Him who gave it, and feel a desire that we may be so separated to the gospel of Christ, that those things which proceed from the spirit of this world may have no place among us. Final Visits and Reflections (August–September, 1772) I rested a few days in body and mind with our friend, Jane Crosfield, who was once in America. On the sixth day of the week I was at Kendal, in Westmoreland, and at Greyrig Meeting the thirtieth day of the month, and first of the week. I have known poverty of late, and have been graciously supported to keep in the patience, and am thankful under a sense of the goodness of the Lord toward those who are of a contrite spirit.
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