Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman (SRSC 12)

Afterword: What Does It Take? At the beginning of my introduction to Woolman’s Journal I shared a bit of my own search for a way to minister in prophetic power. I then wrote the phrase “enter John Woolman” and gave a brief summary of how Woolman’s life and work inspired me. It is time now to review his life and see what we have learned. What does it take to follow Christ’s call to mission in the power of the Holy Spirit? Gospel Integrity First, it takes a life that is given over to the integrity of the gospel. Woolman struggled to free himself from the distractions of fleshly temptations, worldly friends, and devilish entanglements. He invested in Scripture reading and in prayerful solitude. “I found my heavenly Father to be merciful to me beyond what I can express,” he writes. As we read Woolman’s own reflections on his failures in writing wills or speaking in meetings, we find the Lord at work teaching him what a life of integrity would require and empowering him to live that life. A life of prophetic


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