Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman (SRSC 12)


Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman

Prorogue – Either the discontinuing, the postponing, or the extension of a meeting. In the context of Woolman’s discussion of a government meeting in Chapter 6, it likely refers to Woolman’s sense that the Assembly would like be finished soon. Public houses – Taverns. Query – A “query” in Quaker culture was the expression of some matter of “truth” that would guide the way that believers and churches examine themselves. Remember that truth is a matter of lifestyle as much as doctrine. Scruple – A conviction or a “check in one’s spirit,” often regarding a matter of conscience. Singular, Singularity – An effort to draw attention to oneself or to appear distinct, fashionable, or novel. Slaves – Woolman used the term “negro,” which was the common term in his day, to refer to people of African descent. Society – A “society” (such as the Society of Friends) meant much the same as we think of today when we use the word “denomination” to refer to segments of the Christian religion. Tender – To be spiritually “tender” is not simply a sense of compassion, but also to experience a kind of softness, a receptivity to the workings of the Spirit on our heart.

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